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Using NIST to Measure TPRM Success | KPI & KRI Webinar


Using the NIST Supply Chain Risk Management Standard to Measure TPRM Success | KPIs & KRIs

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-161 is a comprehensive suite of best-practice security controls that many organizations leverage as a framework for their cybersecurity supply chain risk management programs. However, with hundreds of controls to sort through, how do you know if you're applying them correctly?

Join compliance experts Sophie Pothecary and Thomas Humphreys as they discuss how to identify the essential NIST controls to assess third-party security risk and how to use those controls to measure your TPRM program's success.

In this interactive webinar, Sophie and Thomas explain:

  • Which key NIST 800-161 controls should be leveraged for TPRM
  • How to implement key NIST 800-161 controls for TPRM
  • Ways to translate these controls into actionable key performance indicators (KPIs) and key risk indicators (KRIs)
  • ...and more!

Watch this on-demand webinar to discover how you can use NIST SP 800-161 as a foundation for building a more robust and measurably successful supply chain risk management program.

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