Hero modern slavery

Modern Slavery Act of 2015

Assess supply chain partner labor practices

The Modern Slavery Act of 2015 is a UK law that requires organizations to publicly communicate their practices to ensure that forced labor, human trafficking, and other forms of involuntary servitude are not taking place in their businesses or supply chains. The "Transparency in Supply Chains" section of the Act (Part 6, Section 54) defines what form this should take for third-party relationships.

Prevalent helps organizations apply a rigorous level of due diligence to suppliers by determining if a public statement exists, and by validating policies and processes through Modern Slavery risk assessments and continuous external monitoring of their real-world practices. Armed with these insights, organizations improve their visibility into their supply chain partners' labor practices, reducing the risk of reputational damage.

Relevant Requirements

  • Publish an annual statement detailing the steps taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in the business or supply chain

  • Improve due diligence on suppliers to ensure they are adhering to the law

Align Your TPRM Program with Expanding ESG Regulations

Download this guide to review current and future ESG standards and legislation, and learn how to prepare your TPRM program for compliance.

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Meeting Modern Slavery Act of 2015 Requirements

  • Icon library gold

    Supplier Pre-Screening

    Rapidly pre-screen vendors using a library of continuously updated risk profiles based on inherent/residual risk, assessment results and real-time reputational monitoring.

  • Icon business info context gold

    Comprehensive Supplier Profile

    Tap into 550,000+ sources of vendor intelligence to build a comprehensive supplier profile that includes industry and business insights and maps potentially risky 4th-party relationships.

  • Icon risk score gold

    Inherent Risk Scoring

    Use a simple assessment with clear scoring to track and quantify inherent risks for all onboarded suppliers.

  • Icon modern slavery gold

    Modern Slavery Assessment

    Leverage Prevalent's built-in Modern Slavery assessment to determine adherence to policies. Review and approve assessment responses to automatically register risks or reject responses and request additional input.

  • Icon analyze flag gold

    Modern Slavery Statement Identification

    Automatically identify if a Modern Slavery Statement exists on the websites of over 18,000 companies to support compliance validation activities.

  • Icon news newspaper

    Supplier Reputation Monitoring

    Validate assessment results and gain continuous supplier insights from over 550,000 public and private sources of reputational information, including negative news, regulatory and legal actions, sanctions, adverse media, OFAC violations, and more.

  • Icon dashboard gold

    Central Risk Register

    Normalize, correlate and analyze assessment results and continuous monitoring intelligence for unified reporting and remediation.

  • Icon remediate health

    Built-in Remediation Guidance

    Take actionable steps to reduce modern slavery exposure with built-in remediation recommendations and guidance.

  • Icon document management file cabinet gold

    Document & Evidence Management

    Store and distribute Modern Slavery policy documents for dialog and attestation.

  • Icon compliance gold

    Compliance Reporting

    Visualize and address compliance requirements by automatically mapping assessment results to Modern Slavery requirements.

  • Icon relationship mapping gold

    Relationship Mapping

    Identify relationships between your organization and third, fourth and Nth parties to discover dependencies and assess your exposure.

Managing ESG Risks Across the Extended Enterprise

This analyst report from GRC 20/20 uncovers best practices for including ESG in your third-party risk management program.

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